Documentation of a research process

Morning Questions:
Research, curiosities, observations, and wonderings about the structures of the human body - in parts and as a whole; in stillness and in motion; embodied personally and collectively in space.
References: The Thinking Body by Mabel Todd, De Humani Corpus Fabrica by Andreas Vesalius, The Axis Syllabus by Frey Faust
Moving the questions, researching them in space,
in the body
in the body in space
in the body in space in relation to others.
Feeding the research process in physique and on paper.
I'd like to give thanks to all my teachers, mentors, and colleagues who have transmitted their work and diverse methodologies to me; namely CCDC, Concordia University, the Axis Syllabus, and more. Additionally, I'd like to acknowledge the role of Martial Arts in my training, namely Aikido, Shaolin Kung Fu and Taiji Quan. My work is in graitude to you all.